Friday 7 June 2013

My 3 week holidays (Term 1)

                 I came back THAILAND because this team's holidays have 3 week school close but other team just have 2 week school close so I chose the longest holiday.
             I was very happy and excited.
 I mostly stayed at home. I didn't go any where so much.But It isn't mean that I didn't go any where at all.
                     + I went to my old school for visit my lovely friends and teacher. I missed them so much..very much!! /( >.<)\   As they saw me. They jumped and came to hug me. I was happy that they didn't forget me.

                                            This my old school


    My old school names Hatyaiwittayalai school.There are about 4,200 students. I studied in EP programme about 2-3 years.My class has 30 students.That is very small class in my school. Some class has 40-50 students. AND they are 13 class that in same year as me,It's not including other year because I can't remember.There are a lot.
                    + I went to park, picnic with my friends.
I went with one of my best friends. The park names General Prem park

                          This is a Link of  the park. There are park's map. You can see around the park if you're interesting : but it's all in Thai language.

                    These pictures, I took it myself. what do you think?
                                  BEAUTIFUL!!!!! **.
                     I like to ride a bicycle when I go there.It has bicycles for rent and the cost is very cheap. For one bicycle, the cost is 20 bath/hour or 
0.8 dollarsNZ /hour. As we finished riding,when had lunch with chicken fried and sticky rice,and finally we ate mango :P.The foods were amazing.I was very full.Then my friend and I bought some Fish food and fed them.
And lied down on grasses looked a sky in the dark.
We came back at 8:30 p.m. and we were sang along the way.

When I came back NZ, I had a little sad and lonely.But I knew that what I had  to do.My duty is make friend,improve my English and succeed, my parents will proud at me :D

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