Sunday 9 June 2013

Culture club activity

On Friday 27/05/13
                Culture club is a club for international girls including some of Kiwi students. Culture club always have meeting once a month.All international students will say ans share their opinions about what activities we going to do in the meeting. Activities will concerning about cultures of individual person. 

Japanese group
                      This Friday. We had cooking. Every international girl cooked their country's food. I shared our foods each other.It meant we shared our culture to other people.
 The tastes were different,it's not same because the ingredients that we use to cook. each country's food,there are individual culture to cook or ingredients that each country usually use.
                   Some foods were spicy. >.<;
                                       Some foods were creamy. =-='
                                                            Some foods were bland. +.+

 German group

Kiwi group

                          But that tastes are nice for them.Although other people didn't like it but we realized which each country,their tongue  like different tastes.And we didn't blame other culture because accept individual culture. 

It was great activity.We were fun and full. 555+

                           THANK YOU  \(^-^//)/..!!

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