Tuesday 14 May 2013

Easter Break

 Do you know Easter?
                        If you don't know, I will explain you what is the meaning of Easter day and how they celebrate in the Easter day.
                Start with    GOOD FRIDAY
                                   Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday
                      EVERY SHOPs or MARKETs will close for Commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

           We aren't going to celebrate anythings.
                       This day we eat Hot Cross Buns made with currants or raisins and marked with a cross on the top
 I ate it with butter. It is very yammy  ^0^

                     And Then when   EASTER DAY   arrives
                                We Celebrates in this day for the resurrection of jesus
                 FAMlily  Gandparent, grandchilden, cousin, uncle, auntie come together to meet each other and give the Chocolate eggs.

                   I ate a lots of chocolate eggs and do many activity. For example put a chocolate egg on the spoon and run, who arrive the goal first win!!!

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