Monday 25 February 2013

Greeting & Introducing myself

                          Hello! Visitor , First I will introduce myself ^.^
                                        My name is Cook. I lived in Thailand and at the moment I am studying in Woodford house in NewZealand about 3 weeks.I'm so excited and also frightened at the first time. I never away from home far like this before and  NZ is very different from my country So I afraid every thing, afraid that I won't have friends because I can speak English as well as them so Maybe they can boring to talk with me. But it isn't going to happen,I recognize as I stay here because everybody are friendly and caring me and another International students too.

This is the picture of Woodford house, girl school
            I make this blogger because I want to share my experiences and also improve my English. My English isn't so good so I have to apologize that if it will have some confusing sentences But I think my ability,it's enough for you to understand and enjoy my Blog (^-^) 

                    In my free times, I like to listen musics same as another girls but the difference is I think Kiwi never listen Thai song before so I link one of my favorite Thai song.Thai have many sort of music same English song.This song is pop song or relaxing song <I called It like this not everybody >.< 
                                                   This is one of my favorite Thai songs

           DO YOU Like IT? Is it nice song for or you want to listen other sort of Thai music.You can write comment down this post.  Thank YOU>..<

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